The angels are the dispensers and administers of the Divine beneficence toward us; they regard our safety, undertake out defense, direct our ways, and exercise a constant solicitude that no evil befall us.
John Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion I
Hebrews 1:13-2:1
Now to which of the angels has He ever said: Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve those who are going to inherit salvation? (HCSB)
Robert Burton believed that quote, “Every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular, all his life long.” There are some that crave attention. Well, how much more attention do you want? There are airy hosts, blessed spectators, sympathetic on lookers that see and know and appreciate our every thought and feeling.
Francis Bacon believed that men should know that a man’s life is a theater, with seats reserved only for God and the angels to be lookers on. Millions of spiritual creations walk the earth unseen to be revealed only at times when God may have reason to intervene in our lives. Hebrews 13:2 says that we at times may entertain angels, in meeting strangers.
You see God has not forgotten you and turned you loose until your day of accounting but has shepherds, glittering ranks of angels that report on your state of being. You are not a wild dog set free in this world to roam, but you are His and He tends closely to see what you are up to…He keeps up with the hairs on your head. The angels contest daily for your life, give them a pleasant task…God’s Blessings
Pastor William