Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moving On

Train Ride
Well we have gotten moved in finally and we are enjoying our new home that God has given us.  I haven’t really shared a lot of what is going on in our lives, but feel like it is time to get you all on board with us and praying for us as we go forward in the calling God has given us.
We are now church planters. It is a description given to men called by God to start new churches. Across our land many Southern Baptist Churches, and many other conservative churches are in decline.  We have missed a generation in our churches for many years, and we also ignore, to some extent, other segments of our society.
I believe that Jesus would not be pleased with some of the things that “The Church” of today is doing, or not doing. In the last two years around 140 churches have died annually. We have started around  120 new churches every year, but can’t keep up with the declining church.  We can either sit back and do nothing and keep doing church as usual, or we can ask our Savior what we need to do to change this.
Well, I asked, and I know what I have to do. We are in the middle of Gainesville, FL now, and everyone knows what a Gator Fan I am, but did you also know that it is the number one city in the State of Florida for abortions? God drew me here and now He is putting us to work. It is our hope to plant churches and to do it in a new way. Please place us on your prayer lists and ask God to use us for His Glory.
Our new address is 3301 NW 27th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32605-2222.  We will be here for a while because there is much work to do here.  In the mean time, come by and see us.  We have a spare guest room and an in ground pool, that’s a good excuse to come to Florida and it’s cheaper than a motel. We would enjoy seeing you all and in the mean time please pray. Also, please continue to pray for our current new church, Journey of The Word, and for the churches that God wants to use us to start and also for churches that need to get an infusion of "Kingdom Vision." There is so little time and so much to do for the kingdom in today’s world.
With all our love and His Blessings,
William and Roxanne
My phone is 386-853-0040 call anytime, God Bless

Pastor William

My photo
Gainesville, Fl, United States
Pray for God to move greatly in "Journey of The Word Church".