Friday, November 21, 2008

He's not like Me

What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.
A. W. Tozer (1897-1963, American preacher)

Ps 50:17-21
"For you hate discipline, and you cast My words behind you. "When you see a thief, you are pleased with him, and you associate with adulterers. "You let your mouth loose in evil, and your tongue frames deceit. "You sit and speak against your brother; you slander your own mother's son. "These things you have done and I kept silence; you thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes. NASU

John Wesley, British preacher and founder of Methodism, had this opinion of reason; “Passion and prejudice govern the world; only under the name of reason.” I am of the same opinion. We are living in a new modern world with, “New Ideas,” and new ways to reason out a new idea of who we think God is, and how He fits in to our life and into this world.

Reason will never get us to God, nor can we please God with our reasoning. People never get it, no matter how many times God repeats it. HE IS NOT LIKE US! God is a God of love, He rules in righteousness, and He has the perfect will for people’s lives, but we don’t. God’s truth and wisdom cannot reasoned it, it is an experience of the heart. We will not only experience it in our own hearts, but we will, from our hearts, share it with others, not from our reason.

Blaise Pascal, the French scientist, and religious philosopher put it this way “It is the heart which experiences God, not the reason.” This is important, don’t miss it. You may have your reasons for the way you feel and think, but they are not a matter of importance to God. It is only His truth, and His wisdom that will get us where we want to go. Scripture says it best in Prov 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”…God Bless.

Pastor William

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Pastor William

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Gainesville, Fl, United States
Pray for God to move greatly in "Journey of The Word Church".