Monday, September 8, 2008

Wrestling With God

People who are born even-tempered, placid and untroubled -- secure from violent passions or temptations to evil -- those who have never needed to struggle all night with the Angel to emerge lame but victorious at dawn, never become great saints.

Eva Le Gallienne

Dan 7:25-27
"He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. "But the court will sit for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. "Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.' NASU

As Christians we are part of a great struggle. It is a daily struggle, and it is a battle that rages constantly around us in the world. In Gen 32:26, Jacob struggled with God all night long, and in his struggle discovered that God would allow him to struggle with Him all night, but with one touch could disable Jacob’s strength. I like Jacob’s response though, he being humbled, clung tightly and spoke these words, “I will not let you go until you bless me.”

Now there is a lot of debate around this meeting, but I can clearly draw this reasonable conclusion from it. The first is this, each of us will struggle in getting our arms, thoughts and minds around who God is and what it is we are here for. Secondly, if we get off base in this struggle God will humble us and show us His great strength. And thirdly, and most important of all, I see that God will reward those who cling to Him, and bless them who refuse to let go of what they have of Him.

Saints, an everlasting kingdom awaits us. God says above in Daniel that the end result of our worldly struggle is this, “The sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven, will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One.” Now you can quit if you want to, but I’m going to wrestle and cling, and that should be the attitude of us all…we are going to fight until the dawn, until the kingdom of The Son Rises again…God Bless.

Pastor William

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Pastor William

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Gainesville, Fl, United States
Pray for God to move greatly in "Journey of The Word Church".